FYP Minor (Web)

Splash Screen

Screenshots of the Website

Home page - the page consist of two sections. One for "HE" (guys) and another for "SHE" (women).

  New Collections page - this page shows the new collection of Padini Authentics casual wear.

Shop Online page (Women) - this is an online shopping page where customers can order through online by clicking the buy now button .
Shop Online page (Men)                      

This is the beginning page of Try It On page. Before entering this page, customers will be asked to upload their picture. 

 Try It On page (Men) - This is an example of how the picture looks like after the customers upload it. The customers can now try the clothes on the wardrobe, adjust according to their size with the plus and minus size and also change background to see how the attire suits in different locations. 
Try It On page (Women)                      

Purchasing page - Once customers make order in the Shop Online page, they will be directed to this page where they have to do the online transaction and an confirmation box will appear to show whether or notb their transaction was successful.

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